Friends of Ss Peter and Paul School - FOSPAP
Caring and sharing, laughing and learning, loving and praying … the vision statement of the school is something we as parents can help support as well. Friends of Ss Peter and Paul’s (or FOSPAP as we are more commonly known) is our PTA. We are a registered charity and a group of parent volunteers who share in this vision and work together to help raise funds for the school to enhance the learning of the pupils through social events open to the whole school family. Our school has a wonderful community spirit and the events we hold allow us to come together in friendship, supporting the learning opportunities and enabling additional extra - curricular activities for the children to enhance their educational journey.
From small scale events such as colouring competitions, to large scale offerings such as family discos and fun days we encourage all families to be involved and value how much the children enjoy them.
Annually we aim to raise enough money to fund:- Welcome gifts for reception children
- A pantomime for the whole school to enjoy
- Support for our school to join Young Voices - the largest children’s choir concert in the world
- Yr 4 Holy communion party donation
- Yr 6 leavers hoodies so every child has a commemorative gift from their time at SSPP
As we grow in numbers we are expanding into targeted fund raisers, working closely with the school to highlight potential projects we can work towards achieving - the latest being a new PA and sound system for the main hall.
Support from parents is invaluable; everyone is welcome and encouraged to join our regular meetings, contribute ideas, help at our events or support us behind the scenes, - come along, have fun and make new friends!
As a charity we are also able to benefit from schemes such as gift aid, match funding and corporate grants so anybody with experience in these areas would be welcomed into our team.FOSPAP can be contacted at: fospap1@gmail.com
FOSPAP Key ContactsPlease click the below links for full details of the FOSPAP current financials and Chair report 2023/4
Next Meeting - Wednesday 17th April 2024