Welcome to our Science Page
An Exceptional and Ambitious Approach to Science at Ss Peter and Paul School
science exceptional and ambitious at sspp 1 .pdf
Statement for intent for Science teaching and learning
At Ss. Peter and Paul's Catholic Primary school it is our intent that children develop enquiring minds through the subject of Science. They will secure good knowledge and understanding of the specific disciplines of physics, chemistry and biology. Through independent hands-on learning children will grow in confidence to ask and answer open-ended questions to find things out for themselves through scientific enquiry where they are actively involved in their own learning. We want children to be fully equipped, not only for their next steps in education but for their future careers in an ever changing scientific and technological world.
STEM week 2024
The theme for this year's STEM week was 'Time.' The children took part in a variety of learning opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. We were fortunate to have the support of a number of visitors, who came to help the children understand how STEM is vital to their work.
STEM Fair 2024
We were immensely proud of Year 5, who came up with some fantastic ideas and activities for our STEM fair. Children from every class attended the STEM fair and really enjoyed learning through these exciting and well-thought out games and other activities. Well done and thank you Year 5!
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download_for_offlinescience-curriculum-vision-statement 1
- science-superhero-squad-nof-1- download_for_offline
- Scientific enquiry at Ss Peter and Pauls download_for_offline
download_for_offlineScientific enquiry at Ss Peter and Pauls
- Ss Peter and Pauls Science curriculum progression document download_for_offline
download_for_offlineSs Peter and Pauls Science curriculum progression document
- Whole school knowledge organisers for Science download_for_offline
download_for_offlineWhole school knowledge organisers for Science
- Whole school long term plan for Science download_for_offline
download_for_offlineWhole school long term plan for Science
- science-superhero-squad-nof-1- download_for_offline