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SS Peter's & Paul Catholic Primary School

Part of The Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust
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Physical Education

In physical education children take part in a wide variety of activities.

They learn that being active is fun and that it is important to lead an active, healthy lifestyle to maintain good well-being. In Reception children learn the basic skills of spacial awareness, and movement skills to develop their gross and fine motor skills. In Key Stage One children experience dance, games, gymnastics and athletics to develop agility, coordination and balance. Similarly to Key Stage One, Key Stage Two also have lessons in swimming and outdoor/adventure activities.

Please see the quick link 'School Sport' page for regular updates on school sport competitions and activities.

100 % of our children met the expected standard in swimming during 2022/2023.

School Sport Premium

The following is a summary of how Ss. Peter and Paul have and will spend their Sports Premium monies. The priorities have been identified in relation to PE, sport and physical activity with maximum impact for both teaching and learning. We will continue to develop inter school competitions and festivals for KS1 & KS2 children.



PE Kit

On PE days can you ensure that your child comes to school in an appropriate kit. Indoor PE - shorts and t-shirt. Outdoor PE - jogging bottoms (blue/black), t-shirt, sweatshirt/jumper and trainers.

Events and Fixtures

Please see the school sports page and calendar to keep up to date with sports competitions and festivals throughout the year.

Number of children who have represented the school in Competitive Sport so far this year (2023/2024): 161